Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have a blog with Justin as well as this one. I don' t know why I have two but it's fun to update both. I'll probably post more on the other one so if you haven't seen it then check it out! The address is; rubyreed.blogspot.com. :)
I got tagged by Natalie, so here they are;

My quirks:

1) Certain kinds of fabrics give me goosebumps. Cotton balls too. I can't use them. I'm very sensitive to the way things feel or sound. Justin thinks I'm nuts. Sometimes in church or where ever he will put his arm around me and play with the neckline in my shirt and I'll flinch and get the chills.

2) If I'm thinking about it I wont step on cracks. Especially in the grocery store. And if I step on a crack with one foot I have to with the other to even out. Weird I know. I'm a little OCD I guess. Justin likes to try and mess me up by bumping me so I have to step on one and then tries to prevent me from stepping on one with my other foot. I try to be careful without him noticing. 

3) I make my bed every day. My room can be a disaster but as long as the bed is made I feel okay. It's the first thing I do when I wake up. 

4) I love lotion. I always lotion my hands after I do the dishes and a million other times throughout the day. 

5) I'm a huge list person. I make a "to do" list almost every day. I usually carry around a little pocket book to write stuff in. 

6) I love sunflower seeds and probably eat a bag a week. Either David's Ranch or Spits Chili lime.  I know there is a ton of sodium in them so I should probably cut back but I'm addicted.

7) I have a pair of black sweat pants I wear around the house. I've had them forever and love them. Justin thinks they are the ugliest thing ever and pretends like he is going to barf when I put them on. They are the kind that scrunch up at the ankle. Not made for looks but they are warm and comfy. I refuse to get rid of them. 

8) I bite the inside of my lip when I'm thinking or reading. I don't know why but I always have. It helps me concentrate somehow. 

9) I knock on wood a lot. Not even wood sometimes just whatever is close to me. The bed, car window, counter... If someone says something bad could happen or I think about something bad happening, I knock. Three times always or I feel it doesn't count. I should just say a silent prayer but for some reason without thinking, I always knock on something. 

10) I cry when I laugh. I think it's because my eyes squint up when I smile and they get really watery. People always point it out. When I'm really laughing hard tears start falling down my face. Mascara smears and I look like a mess. I hate it!  

It's fun to read other peoples quirks. I never would have known how nuts my friends are!! Just kidding. I tag Candice and Mariah!!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Sick and cold...

So all weekend I felt like crap! I must have caught a bug or something. Friday I woke up feeling achy and sick to my stomach.  Justin left for work and I tried to drag myself out of bed to get going for the day but I just wasn't feeling well at all. I whined and complained all day but we had plans to meet some friends that night and I didn't want to bail over a little tummy ache so I toughed up and we went. We made carmel apples and saw the movie "Eagle Eye" with Josh and Brittany and by the end of the night I was feeling a little better. We had a fun time. When we walked in the house it was freezing!!! Our heater hadn't been turned on since we moved in and now it's cold and time to use it but isn't working. Justin tried messing with it but nothing happened. Saturday I still wasn't feeling well but we left to avoid the cold (inside and outside) and went to run some errands. Justin wanted to go look at some guns so I told him I'd go with him if we could look at puppies after. We cant get either so it was a fair trade.  On our way home we stopped and rented "The Unit". We piled blankets on our bed and watched until we fell asleep. Sunday... still freezing cold! I think one of the worse feelings in the world is getting out of the shower in October with no heat. Not to be dramatic but I thought I was going to die. Church is usually cold but it was better than home. Luckily that night we were having a birthday dinner for my Uncle over at their house. We stayed as long as possible. When we got home.. I headed straight for bed to escape getting frost bite! I whined a little more about being sick to Justin that night and he told me it was all in my head and not to think about it. This morning when I barfed after breakfast I was able to say "I told you so". Now I'm feeling much better. As for the heat, someone was supposed to come fix it at 2:00. Its after five and I'm still waiting. I lit all the candles in my house but it didn't help one bit. HELP!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Engagement pictures

These are some of my favorite engagement pictures. Justin's friend Anson took them while we were out in Seattle visiting he and his wife Amy. He did a great job!